Genius Links

Hungry Girl - she's my favorite :-)
Subway Calculator

Body Rock TV - a ton of butt kicking workouts, I love it!

Runner's World - you can't run and not like them

Eating Well - healthy food, nutritional  breakdowns, good search engine

Calorie King - a MUST - brilliant, I could loose a whole day on this website

Tone It Up - Love these girls!

Fit Sugar - TONS of good stuff all crammed into ONE place

Burn Your Lungs 5K, 10K, 1/2 Marathon - Come run or walk my home town race...p.s. - my husband is the director so I'm VERY BIASED!

Us Two + Two - one of my client's blogs.  She's a gem and I love her blog.  I'm so proud of her too!

Barefoot - extensive info and resources on running barefoot

Vegetarian Times - huge online collection of vegetarian recipes and info

Disease Proof -  the official blog of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD and serves as a forum to promote discussion on diet, fitness, health and green living.
The Kind Life - The Kind Life is an interactive extension of Alicia Silverstone's  book, “The Kind Diet”, which is about living your healthiest and happiest life to the fullest, while taking care of mama Earth at the same time! 

The Sugar Free Initiative:  The nation-wide coalition educating people about the effects of refined foods
on their health and their family’s well-being.